My progress in rising star game and buying one people (rare) card and three people (common) cards

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I am playing rising star every day and I reached level 97. Tomorrow,
I can reach level 98.

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After playing 277 days for rising star game, I collected 602 cards in the game and I finished 4106 total missions. I am also doing music lessons every day, so I can maintain the ego at 0%.

Now, I also have 31805 fans, 5578 luck, 55806 skill and 639 im.

Today, I bought one people (rare) card and three people common cards to increase fans in the game. They are R 301 Ava and 120 Danny ( three cards). R301 Ava costs 8300 starbits . 120 Danny costs 653 starbits. For three cards, I costs 1959 starbits.
I got 125 fans, 100 skill, 3 luck and 3 im from R301 Ava. I got 30 fans from three cards of 120 Danny.

I am trying to increase starbits rewards by buying cards and doing missions every day. My player ranking for today is 405, and I am happy to see it is increased from yesterday's ranking.

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