My Battle Weekly Challenge ( Silent Sha-Vi )


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Hello, Splinterlands Community Members,

This is my first post for weekly battle challenge. I will share my battle about silent sha-vi card in this post.


Edition : Chaos Legion
Rarity : Common
Element : Death
Attack : Melee
Abilities : Sneak

Battle Rule

Mana Cost - 30
Available Element - All elements
(fire ,water ,life ,death ,earth and dragon )

My line up and position,

Summoner - Thaddius Brood

Position 1 - Cursed Windkeu
Position 2 - Silent Sha-Vi
Position 3 - Venari Bonesmith
Position 4 - Life sapper
Position 5 - Undead Badger
Position 6 - Mantoid

Thaddius Brood


Thaddius brood summoner costs 4 mana.This summoner reduces one magic attack and one health from enemy cards .I like this ablities and I think this abilities can help to win the battle. So,I choose this card for the battle.

Cursed Windeku


Cursed windeku card costs 6 mana and the card contains two melee attack , three speed and nine health.It has thorn ability. The card becomes a great tank with thorn ability and nine health. I choose this card and put the front position.

Silent Sha-Vi


Silent sha-vi card costs five mana and the card contains two melee attack ,three speed and five health.The ability of silent sha-vi card is sneak ability. The card is a good attacker with sneak ability. I mostly choose this card when I have enough mana. It is one of my favourite cards and I choose this card for the battle .

Venar Bonesmith


Venari bonesmith card costs 4 mana and the card contains one magic attack ,two speed and three health. The ability of venari bonesmith card is the health of the card increases every time when the magic attack can damage enemy cards.I choose this card for the battle because of this ability.

Life Sapper


Life sapper card costs three mana and the card contains one magic attack ,two speed and two health. It has the same ability with venari bonesmith card.I think the abilities of these two cards can help to win the game .So,I choose this card for the battle.

Undead Badger


Undead badger card costs 2 mana and the card contains one melee attack , three speed and one health. It has sneak ability. I choose this card because it costs little mana for the battle and it also has sneak ability.



Mantoid card costs 6 mana and the card contains two ranged attack, two speed and five health. It has snipe ability.With snipe ability ,I think the card can damage the enemy cards effectively.So , I choose this card for the battle.

Round 1


In this battle ,I used thaddius brood summoner. Behind this summoner , I placed cursed windeku , silent sha-vi ,venari bonesmith , life sapper , undead badger and mantoid .

Enemy team used obsidian summoner .Behind this summoner, enemy team placed failed summoner , unicorn mustang ,child of forest , regal peryton , goblin psychic and khmer princess.

In round 1,thaddius brood summoner reduces one health from enemy team cards .After that,my cards can easily destroy four cards from enemy team . Enemy team already lose four cards in the first round.

Round 2


In round 2 ,my cards continuously attack enemy team cards. But my cards can not destroy unicorn mustang card and regal peryton card in this round.

Round 3


In this round ,unicorn mustang card and regal peryton card from enemy team attack cursed windeku card from my ream.I lose cursed windeku card in this round.

Round 4


My cards can destroy unicorn mustang card and regal peryton card and I won this battle .I have five cards left in this battle.

Silent sha-vi is a great card in my opinion.It has two melee attack and sneak ability.The sneak ability helps to destroy enemy cards in the battle. I like the fact that it also has enough speed and enough health. I used this cards in many battles and it was one of my favourite cards.

Battle Link

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