My Battle Weekly Challenge ( Mycelic Infantry )

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Hello, Splinterlands Community Members,

This is my post for weekly battle challenge. In this week, I use mycelic infantry for this battle. I use level 2 card in this battle.


Edition : Choas Legion
Rarity : Rare
Element : Earth
Attack : Melee
Abilities : Shield

Battle Rule

Mana Cost - 26
Available Element - All elements ( fire,water ,life ,death ,earth and dragon )

Line up and position,

Summoner - Mylor Crowing

Position 1 - Mycelic Infantry
Position 2 - Goblin Thief
Position 3 - Goblin Psychic
Position 4 - Khmer Princess
Position 5 - Uraeus

Mylor Crowing

Mylor crowing card costs three mana. This summoner gives thorns ability to all cards in the team. I like this ability and this ability is very useful in the battles. So, I decide to use it in this battle. I use level 2 card in this battle.

Mycelic Infantry

Mycelic infantry card costs eight mana and the card contains three melee attack, one speed, three armor and eight health. It has shield ability. Actually, I rarely use this card when playing with earth splinter because it costs eight mana and it only has one speed. For this challenge, I try to use it in the battles. I use level 2 card in this battle.

Goblin Thief

Goblin thief card costs four mana, and the card contains two melee attack, two speed and three health. It has sneak ability. I choose this card in this battle because it has sneak ability. In this battle, I need the card with sneak ability to attack the enemy cards.

Goblin Psychic

Goblin psychic card costs six mana and the card contains two magic attack, one speed and four health.It has tank heal ability. I use level 2 card. To help mycelic infantry card to live longer in the battle, I add goblin psychic card in this battle.

Khmer Princess

Khmer princess card costs two mana, and the card contains one magic attack , two speed and two health. I want to add another magic attack card in the battle. I choose this card because it only costs two mana for battle and it also has one magic attack. I use level 2 card in this battle.


Uraeus card costs three mana, and the card contains one melee attack, two speed, one armor and two health. The card has sneak ability. I want the last position card to has armor. So, I choose this card. It also has sneak ability that can attack enemy cards. I think this card is perfect for last position.

Round 1

In this battle, I use mylor crowing summoner. Behind this summoner, I place mycelic infantry, goblin thief, goblin psychic, khmer princess and uraeus.

The enemy team uses
tarsa summoner. Behind this summoner, the enemy team places radiated scorcher, chaos agent, living lava, radiated brute, serpentine spy and tenyll striker.

Serpentine spy from the enemy
team starts to attack khmer princess, but both cards are eliminated at the same time because of thorns ability. I use mylor crowing summoner in this battle. So, all my cards have thorns ability. The cards continue to attack, and goblin psychic can eliminate another enemy card, radiated scorcher. Then, mycelic infantry eliminates chaos agent from the enemy team.

Round 2

The enemy cards attack mycelic infantry, but it can not be easily eliminated because it has many health and shield ability. Moreover, goblin psychic also help to restore some health for mycelic infantry. In this round, tenyll striker from the enemy team attacks uraeus, and both cards are eliminated at the same time. Radiated brute from the enemy team attacks mycelic infantry, but radiated brute is eliminated because of thorns ability of mycelic infantry.

Round 3

Only living lava left in the enemy team. So, my cards continue to attack this card and destroy it. Finally, I win this battle in round 3. I quickly win this battle because I use mylor crowing and good cards.

  • In this battle, I used mycelic infantry and I am satisfied to use it in this battle. This card has some good qualities like three melee attack, eight health and shield ability. I think it is very good to use together with goblin psychic card and mylor crowing summoner.

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