My Battle Weekly Challenge ( Life Sapper)

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Hello, Splinterlands Community Members,

This is my second post for weekly battle challenge.


Edition : Choas Legion
Rarity : Rare
Element : Death
Attack : Magic
Abilities : Life Leech

Battle Rule

Mana Cost - 29
Available Element - All elements ( fire,water ,life ,death ,earth and dragon )
Combat rule- I can not use neutral monsters in this battle.

Line up and position,

Summoner - Thaddius Brood

Position 1 - Cursed Windeku
Position 2 - Silent sha-vi
Position 3 - Life Sapper
Position 4 - Undead Badger
Position 5 - Soul Strangler
Position 6- Rift Wing

Thaddius Brood

Thaddius brood summoner costs four mana.This summoner reduces one magic attack and one health from the cards from the enemy team. l like this summoner in death splinter. I always use this summoner when I played with death splinter. So, I also chose this card for the battle.

Cursed Windeku

Cursed windeku card costs six mana, and the card contains two melee attack , three speed and nine health.It has thorn ability. The card has two melee attack with thorn ability, so the card is a very good card to use as tank position.

Silent Sha-vi

Silent sha-vi costs five mana, and the card contains two melee attack, three speed and five health. It has sneak ability. It has melee attack with three speed, moreover it also has sneak ability. I think the card will be a good attacker for my team.

Life Sapper

Life sapper card costs three mana and the card contains one magic attack , two speed and two health. It has life leech ability . The life leech ability is very good and the card can still longer in the game because of this ability. I need this card in this battle and I choose it for the battle.

Undead Badger

Undead badger card costs two mana, and the card contains one melee attack , three speed and one health. It has sneak ability. The card has weak health, but it only cost two mana. So, I decided to choose this card.

Soul Strangler

Soul strangler costs three mana, and it has two ranged attack , two speed and two health. The card has no ability . I like that the card has two ranged attack and I decided to use it in the battle.


Riftwing costs four mana, and it contains three speed and five health. It also has flying and scavenger ability. I choose this card for the battle because of scavenger ability.

Round 1

In this battle, I used thaddius brood summoner. Behind this summoner, I placed cursed windeku, silent sha-vi, life sapper, undead badger, soul strangler and riftwing.

The enemy team used tarsa summoner. Behind this summoner, enemy team placed radiated scorcher, antoid platoon, radiated brute, djinn apprentice, serpentine spy and tenyll striker.

The battle starts and cursed windeku eliminates radiated scorcher. Then, serpentine spy from the enemy team eliminates undead badger.

Round 2

Then, serpentine spy eliminate my another card, soul strangler. l lose two cards because of serpentine spy. Then, life sapper can eliminate antoid platoon and increased one health.

Round 3

In round 3, silent sha-vi can eliminate tenyll striker. Then, serpentine spy attack cursed windeku, but it got eliminated because of thorn ability. Life sapper also eliminate radiated brute and my team can eliminate three cards in this round.

Round 4

Only djinn apprentice is left in the enemy team. My two cards, silent sha-vi and life sapper attack djinn apprentice continuously. But they can not eliminate it in this round.

Round 5

Finally, silent sha-vi eliminate djinn apprentice and I won this battle.

-- Life sapper is a very good card to use in battles and its life leech ability help to win the game. In this battle, you can see the strength of this card clearly. So, I like to use this card in the battle and this card is very useful in battles.

Battle Link

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