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Days 383 and buying R340 Waylon cards

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I have been playing rising star game for 383 days, and I am doing missions and buying cards (or) pack every day.

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Today, I bought five R340 Waylon cards. Today, I saw these cards with cheap prices. So, I decided to buy them.

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I bought one card with 99 starbits, three cards with 288 starbits and one card with 461 starbits.I don't know the market is having error or not. I got them with cheap prices.

R340 Waylan contains 150 fans, 150 skill, 4 luck and 3 im.
Now, I have 892 cards. I have 52167 fans, 7832 luck, 82598 skill and 975 im.

I finished 5254 total missions. My player ranking for today is 376.