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Days 344 and buying two rare people cards for rising star game

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I have been playing rising star game for 344 days, and I am doing missions and buying cards (or) pack every day.

Today, I bought two rare people cards. They are R93 Will and R282 MC FLow Rapper.

R93 Will costs 12000 starbits and it is a card I haven't bought before. It has 100 fans, 75 skill, 1 luck and 3 im.

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R282 MC Flow Rapper costs 4723 starbits. It has 50 fans, 200 skill, 4 luck and 2 im.

Today, I added 30000 starbits in music promoter to bid some missions. I bid mid week support mission, open mic night mission and saturday headline mission.

My player ranking for today is 392. Ego is still 0% in the game.