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Splinterlands - A new found Gaming Addiction

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Those days in college, I had some issues with some courses that required high cognitive and problem solving skills. Did all the reading i felt should have been done but that didn't solve my problem until a friend told me to start playing video games. WHAT? Games when I need to get some serious academic work done? That was a misfit for me.

Jack was a good friend, so he patiently pestered me and introduced me to Starcraft. Starcraft is a science fiction real time strategy game where different alien species fight for dominance. Each specie of alien with different fighting units has to deploy the right tactics to win. The game player has to manage resources to build and sustain units. It was still a hard one for me then. I had to learn puzzles too. Long story cut short, my familiarity with the video gaming environment was very helpful in improving my decision making and problem solving skills.

Researches have proven that video gaming can increase a player’s brain flexibility. Playing video games is also said to improve hand–eye coordination, problem-solving skills, relieve stress and the mind's ability to process information. However, we know that the excess of anything could be damaging.

I had missed a lot of video game play experiences during my days as a kid. We would rarely play games. It was seen as a distraction to education and all. Good that learning is dynamic. We get to see things differently as we grow.

I've been on Hive for some months but its like I missed the gaming aspect. perhaps the reason my active days were boring. I hope that restarting my hiving journey with more time on splinterlands game would make a difference. Read lots from dudes here and the hype is quite high.

Splinterlands here I come

Today, I made my first battle attempts in the splinterlands game. Two battles precisely. Lost both but it was an interesting affair.

For the first battle, my manna cap was 27and my summoner was Tarsa. Elven Defender, Dinsintegrator, Living Lava and Radiated Scorcher were the lieutenants for the fight.

The battle lasted for 5 rounds. Sadly, my opponent lost no character while all of mine were damaged. You can watch the battle through this link.

My opponent's Spark Pixies was the troubling folk in the fight. It used the Melee weapon to bruise my characters. It was a devastating fight for me but I think I am well ready to up my skills in the game in the coming days.

Specifically, Splinterlands is the main reason I am back to engage Hive., I hope the odds favour me this time and I have some good reasons to stick around. I have learnt there is a lot of development. i will get in touch with all as I grow.

I have a question though:

  • What is the best summoner ID in case I need to rent or buy cards to improve my deck for future battles?

Please wish me well as splinterlands could be my new found Gaming Addiction.