My Daily Progress in The Rising Star Game (Day-152)


Hello all friends,

I have been playing Rising Star game for 152 days. I have been playing Rising Star game for 5 months now. Every day, I played missions without fail. These are the happiest times for me.
Rising Star Game is an interesting game. I try to improve every day.

Today I can not take the next step. You need a few xp points to take it to the next level. I'm sure I can take it to the next level tomorrow. So far I have got xp point 9274. i need 9,750 xp points to advance from Level 195 to Level 196.

I'm working on Promote Fan Club missions in Special Missions. At present, once a day. If you can do it twice a day, it will be faster.
Here are the requirements to start a FANCLUB mission:
300 fans needed
Level needed 20
Duration 60
Energy needed 80%
STARBITS Reward is not available.
Each time you complete a FANCLUB mission, it costs starpro 0.024.
It's great to run Promote Fan Club missions as you can get back the cards worth the starpro cost.

My current assets are:
level 195
fans 47770
luck 7137
skill 96515
im 729
card 1116
I'm trying to get 50,000 fans.

You can see my daily progress and daily activities as follows. I make the best use of my day time playing.
Total Missions 6541
Illegal Busking 1097
open Mic Night 777
Mid Week Support 201
Licensed Busking 54
Midweek Headline Slot 155
Saturday Support 5
Saturday Headline 6
Radio Interview 1119
Radio Studio Session 172
Shopping Mall Performance 432
Record A Demo 7
Local Festival Acoustic Tent 7
Local Mini Tour Support 41
Band Auditions 10
Band Rehearsal 1092
Full Band Support 437
Full Band Headline 438
County Festival Auditions 9
County Festival Gig 22
County Tour 73
Promote Fan Club 10
Your Ranking: 273

Rising Star game is fun to play. There will always be progress as we work on missions to improve every day. Are you playing Rising Star Game? If you have not already done so, we encourage you to give it a try. You will have a lot of fun.
Good luck to all gamers.

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