Splinterlands Social Media Challenges

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One of the best blockchain games to play today; Splinterlands Blockchain is a game where you can have everything you want. I am sharing what I know about this game.

There are only two cards in the Splinterland game, Summoners and Monsters.

In this week's social media challenge, I want to share about the ability of monsters. Each monster has a unique ability. I will present about the unique ability.

The monsters in the Splinterlands game have their own abilities. The game is built with the abilities of the monsters, and the abilities have developed due to the past of the monsters. The monsters in the game are made up of 65 different abilities.

A monster with PHASE Ability can escape a magic shot, but it can be affected by close-range attacks and long-range attacks.

A Monster with TRUE STRIKE Ability does not escape whether it attacks at close range or attacks from a distance.

Monsters with CLOSE RANGE abilities are in first place, but they can attack long-range monsters.

Monsters with AMPLIFY Ability reflect the enemy's Magic, Increases the Damage of Return Fire and Thorns Monsters by 1 each.

If a monster with the BACKFIRE Ability is attacked, it takes 2 damage to the attacker if it misses 1 attack.

A Monster with BLOODLUST Ability increases Stats by 1 even if the opponent defeats the Monster.

A Monster with CAMOUFLAGE Ability will not target unless placed first.

A monster with DEATHBLOW ability deals 2x damage with every attack if there is only one monster left on the enemy team.

If a monster with Ability is attacked by a monster with 5 Power, it will deal only 1 damage.

If a monster with GIANT KILLER Ability attacks, it can deal 2x damage to monsters with 10 mana or more.

A monster with RECHARGE Ability attacks every match, but does 3x damage.

A Monster with SCATTERSHOT Ability will not target any Monster but attack where it wants to attack.

A monster with the REFLECTION SHIELD Ability protects against damage from monsters with Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.

Start playing the Splinterlandsgame today.

Splinterlands Game is one of the best.

I like to play Game.

I play game every days.

I play Modern Mood.

I am currently playing in Bronze lll.

Today I have successfully completed my daily focus battles.

The following battle link is from a Daily Focus Battles I played.

Battel Rule
Mana Cost - 23

Available Element - 5 Elements
Line up and Position
Position 1 Of Monster - SHIELDBEARER
Position 2 Of Monster - GARGOYA SCRAPPER
Position 3 Of Monster - TIME MAGE
Position 4 Of Monster - PELACOR ARBALEST

let's go to my battle.

My Team is Life Splinter and Enemy Team is Water Splinter.

Battle Round1

Battle Round 2

Battle Round 3

Battle Round 4

Battle Result

I won Rating point +21, Reward Points +83 as a reward for this game battle.

The 4 times I started playing, I had to win.

Let me ask you to watch the criticize it.

Thank you very much for your attention to the letter.

We meet again in the next game.

Have a great day everyone.

Battle Link

My Refferrals Link

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