A Burmese Famous Singers and Band and Playing in Rising Star Game...!

Hello Blockchain Gaming Community.

I would like to share about Burmese singers and Band and playing Rising Star Game.

Let me introduce you to a band with a singer who is the most famous and has the most fans in Myanmar. The name of the band is Iron Cross. Iron Cross Band was founded by Saw Bwe Hmu, a famous singer.

Today, let me introduce you to a song by singer Ah Nge with Iron Cross Band. An Nge is a legendary member of the band. The name of the song is Look. Let's listen together.

The Lyrice of song is Look.

The date is broken as usual

I couldn't control my desire to see

In the mire of hatred, heartbreak

Many times it still goes forward


Look like a wild dragon

(meeting your eyes)

It's already burning

A look that is too harsh and hateful

The dreams of the faint of heart are corrupt

I couldn't think of anything wrong

Burnt ash and crushed iron

I definitely didn't hate it at all

Credit to song is the Look from Youtube.

Today I bought a 1pack with 3 cards of NFTs. I bought 1pack from hive enging for 10000 starbits. I opened the received pack. The information of the cards in the pack is as follows.

1.i190 Rat Electro Apple (common)

2.i192 TB 17Q (common)

3.R439 Throg (Rare)

Today, I finished 4 missions in Risingstar game.

Unlucky,I did not win a limited edition seasonal card.

NoNameComplete Mission
14Band Auditions1
15Band Rehearsal1
20Record Signing1
27Piano Lesson1

Now I am playing Local Gig Circuit. The Mission Open Mic Night.

My game level is 117.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans has 15850.
My Luck has 3876.
My Skill has 42055.
My IM has 334.
I owned totally card has 479 cards in.
My Total Missions are 3995.

So I sharing Total Mission below.

NoNameTotal Mission
1Illegal Busking246
2Open Mic Night334
3Mid Week Support181
4Licensed Busking23
5Midweek Headline Slot18
6Saturday Support14
7Saturday Headline86
8Radio Interview200
9Radio Studio Session157
10Shopping Mall Performance106
11Record A Demo20
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent96
13Local Mini Tour Support1034
14Band Auditions123
15Band Rehearsal175
16Halloween 202337
17A Elfy Dose Of Christmas7
18Cool Yule37
19Promote Fan Club41
20Record Signing56
21Egg Hunt3
22STARBITS Millionaire100
23Orchestral Lesson38
24Basic Singing Lesson356
25Guitar Lesson89
26Production Lesson155
27Piano Lesson102
28Drum Lesson144

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.

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