A Burmese Famous Singers and song and Playing in Rising Star Game...!

Hello Indiaunited Community.

I would like to share about Burmese singers and song and playing Rising Star Game.

Today, we will continue to introduce an artist who became successful from a singing competition. The singer's name is Sophia Everest. Sophia Everest is a singer who reached the top 4 in the singing competition. Today, let me introduce you to a song he sang. This song is I have loved. Let's listen together.

The Lyrice of song is I have loved.

I have loved to death

I've paid until I'm sorry

I have missed it to the point of breaking my heart

He said

lt's really the marry me

He used to give

With pain

l fell in love so much for you

I couldn't feel...

I believe it's my fault..

Although you left it

I don't even see sin

Think many times

l can't forget in my heart..

The wounds you left behind

With death

Something that will not disappear

You know, all the time I'm in pain

Will you see?

I don't want to experience it again

Because of this love, I...

l can't believe it anymore

Love is..

My heart is broken so that I can't love again

Today, I finished 7 missions in Risingstar game.

NoNameComplete Mission
3Mid Week Support1
8Radio Interview1
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent1
13Local Mini Tour Support1
15Band Rehearsal1
20Record Signing1
23Orchestral Lesson1

Now I am playing Local Gig Circuit. The Mission is Band Auditions.

My game level is 118.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans is 16105.
My luck is 3947.
My skill has 43331.
My IM has 340.
I owned totally card has 493 cards in.
My Total Missions are 4131.

So I sharing Total Mission below.

NoNameTotal Mission
1Illegal Busking246
2Open Mic Night349
3Mid Week Support192
4Licensed Busking23
5Midweek Headline Slot18
6Saturday Support14
7Saturday Headline86
8Radio Interview203
9Radio Studio Session158
10Shopping Mall Performance113
11Record A Demo21
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent105
13Local Mini Tour Support1052
14Band Auditions138
15Band Rehearsal186
16Halloween 202337
17A Elfy Dose Of Christmas7
18Cool Yule37
19Promote Fan Club41
20Record Signing78
21Egg Hunt3
22STARBITS Millionaire100
23Orchestral Lesson41
24Basic Singing Lesson357
25Guitar Lesson91
26Production Lesson161
27Piano Lesson106
28Drum Lesson151

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.

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