Opening pack in Hashkings / Earnings from raids x5 and x2


Hello Hive community, I will be buying and opening 1 pack daily in Hashkings, my intention by doing this is to increase my numbers of avatars that I send to raids and by doing that I will be increasing my total power in raids and earning more rewards in them.

The result of the pack opening today was:

Each pack costs 2$ (10% discount if you use BUDS).

Below I will leave a brief introduction about Hashkings and also my raid gains today that were x5 (raid level 0~25) and x2 (raid level 26~50).

Hashkings is a cannabis cultivation simulator where you will have an avatar and you will be able to own land and grow seeds on them and after this hard work you will harvest BUDS (Fungible Token).

BUDS are a versatile and liquid token in Hashkings that can be used in various scenarios:

1 - Burn them to get MOTA (fungible token).
2 - Roll together to gain experience points for your avatar.
3 - Trading on the Hive Engine
4 - Use it as a payment method in the entire Hashkings ecosystem and get 10% off.

But this is just the basic scenario about Hashkings, there are many other ways you can get BUDS in the game and one of them is Raids which is my biggest source of earnings currently, in raids you will send your avatar to fight a boss and you will earn BUDS and another tokens based on the amount of power your avatar has. Remembering that you can have multiple avatars within the game.

To better understand Hashkings and also not to make this post too long you can access the game's Gitbook where it will give you a lot of details about how the game works.

Another way to follow the game's development is through the @hashkings account where they will always be communicating about the news within the game, you can also follow them on Twitter.

Currently my main avatars that are sent to raids are the ones in the image below.

In addition to these avatars I also send others that have low power but I won't show it in this post otherwise it will get too big, but the ones I showed in the image above represent 98% or more of my raid earnings. The current raids I participate in are 0~25 and 26~50.

My earnings today:

BUDS (Hive Engine value per unit currently: $0.0001451)

Exp (Value represented in-game per unit: $0.002)

FT (Represented in-game value per unit: $0.50)

Not yet received

Hkgentwo (Represented in-game value per unit: $2)

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