Today I got Worker Card and sold out 65 park

Are you all okay? I've been revamping my #dcity game as needed. This means that unnecessary cards will be resold. I will need to buy the cards again. So that my city ( #dcity ) will have the necessary improvements. We need constant change and improvement. So we can always study the capacity of some people. From their works we can imitate what we need. They have taught us some things. So I want to share about the cities of my friends.

I received a worker card from the #dcity game today. Worker card is a low value card. I haven't had it in quite some time.

In addition, I sold my Park card 65 cards. Now, the price of park cards is high. The reason for the price increase is because of the increase in demand during the market. The price has doubled from when I first bought it. In this situation, I got quite a profit.


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