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Today I got 1399 SIM

Are you all okay? Yesterday I powered up all the #hive I have on power up day. Not much. I had to power up after converting some HBDs to HIVE. Isn't it the best time to power up when the HIVE value is falling? However, I still have financial difficulties to invest. I can only power up my surplus. During this period, there was no excess of money. So it's quite a struggle. I am trying hard to power up only on Power Up day.

Currently, my #sim income has increased quite a bit. Despite this, the #dcity game is becoming a competitive #game. So, if you want to get a ranking, you have to work hard. However, my ranking did not rise as much as I expected. Therefore, the daily hive income received in dcity is also low. I will reinvest whatever I get under any circumstances.
