Already Level 17 in Rising Star Game


I already own 65 cards in Rising Star Game.

Most of the cards are bought from market

Not from packs directly

Buying packs may contain the cards you do not like

I have 2060 Fans, 2307 Luck, 3256 Skill and 38 IM

My Ranking is now 1288

My ego is currently 0 percent

I lost so many of Starbits by doing Music Promoter

It gives me back too little Starpro

Next time when I need Starpro

I will buy from exchange

Doing Music Promoter is not worth it

In fact I do not understand what Music Promoter does

I bid and it has eaten away my Starbits

If you want to play Rising Star like me

Here is referral link

Thanks for reading my post

See you again when I reach Level 20

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