
Hello everyone, how are you doing? I hope you're having a wonderful time playing the splinterlands play2earn game. It's really an amazing time to share my battle report with you. I'm so excited that I finally got the result for this week's challenge after playing over 20 batteries and this week is the Counterspell

THE RULESET: Counterspell

Description: All monsters receive the Magic Reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy monsters that attack with magic receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Magic monsters with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.

The Strategy
It took me some good time to put in the right strategies before winning this battle. Due to the fact that am in a lower level I was expecting the opponent in the higher level and it turns out to be what I was expecting and I was prepared


This card has a Melee attack ability that normally attacks from the second position and has the ability of evading attacks from melee and range cards. It has the reflect ability of returning the damage back.


This particular card attacks twice and has the reflected ability of reducing the damage caused by magic attack and attack back.


One of my favorites cards in the splinterlands battle so far, I love using this card for battle because of it special abilities, it has both magic and range attack and can attack randomly

When I drew this ruleset, I didn't have good cards but really appreciated the PELACOR ARBALEST. This particular card was really playing a good role in the game. Since I didn't have better cards I had to settle range and the melee attacks monster and the reason why I had to choose this particular card I knew the opponent will vmcone with range monster.

So my strategy was very correct, because my choice of cards gave me an advantage over the opponent, my team won.

Here is the battle link

Do you care to know about splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a growing guild of play to earn NFT games with genre ranging from battle to sports. While there is a lot of buzzing around the profits that come with engaging the gaming platform, there are lots of fun in trying out the gameplay. I didn't discover that until I started playing battles. Now, I'm prepared to actively engage the gameplay dimensions of Tower Defense and Genesis

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