More Rare Cards For The Collection

Looks like the Rare cards are being dropped more these days as I get another Crystalsmith and a Twilight Basilisk to add to the collection today. That brings the total number of CystalSmiths to 9 which is still a long way from the 25 required for level 4.


I had the Snipe quest today and it is a pretty quick one for me as there are many good Snip cards with my favorite one being the Dwarven Wizard. A neutral card that can be played with any splinter and does magic snipe damage.

I'm battling in Gold III and hope I can make it to Gold II given that the opposition seems weaker already.


Got to love Mylor Crowling and his thorns ability. One of the best 4 mana spent as that extra 2 damage is deadly to melee attackers.

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