Fifth 7 Rewards Chests Sample


Back in Gold I and the rewards are back to being decent. 304 in DEC and a Rare card. Not bad in my opinion. Definitely an uptick from the previous rewards chests for me. It was very tough for the first couple of days but after a while I think the strategy is to keep the capture rate as high as possible.

This means renting cards and not struggling to complete the quest like previously. But it is only a theory at this point. Also, always reroll if you get a bad focus splinter for the day.

Today I got the fire splinter at first and with a reroll, I now got the Earth Splinter. Should be an easy day at the office, I think. Some Minotaur Warlord, some Kron The Undying and some Oaken Behemoth to earn those rewards chests.

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