Starbits Millionaire's 10 Percent Bonus, Yay or Nay?? All You Need to Know

A couple of months back, the Starbits Millionaire's mission underwent a couple of fundamental changes. One of which was a 10% Bonus on the original 10K Starbits reward (making it an 11K Starbits daily reward).

The Incentive

However, there was a requirement for getting the bonus: you'd have to HOLD Starpro in your in-game wallet or Hive Engine wallet to be eligible for receiving the extra 1K (I'll discuss the "How many" soon).

The idea was to give another reason to players to invest in Starpro - the currency the game would be moving towards in the future. In fact, the movement has already begun.

Another Change

In addition to adding the 10% bonus for holding Starpro, the number of fans required to run the mission was changed from the flat 1000 Fans to (100*the number of times you have run the mission) - incentivizing people to actually use the 10K Starbits (or 11K) for their advancement in the game rather than flooding then into the market!

Starpro Requirement

Just like how the Fans requirement to run the Milly mission increases each time you run it, the amount of Starpro you'd need to hold in order to get the bonus increases over time as well.

To get the bonus, you'd have to have more than [0.03* (Number of times you have run the Milly mission)] Starpro in your in-game and Hive Engine wallet.

The number 0.03 was inspired by the fact that at the time this change was made and went live, the price of 1000 Starbits and 0.03 Starpro was the same and you could (more or less) get 0.03 Starpro from burning your 1000 Starbits bonus in the Music Promoter every day - essentially throwing yourself in a neverending loop of daily bonuses (which will then be converted to Starpro) without any more initial investment as long as you wouldn't spend the accumulative 0.03 Starpro each day!

Checking YOUR Starpro Requirement

You can find it under the game's FAQ here:

And if you scroll down, you can see that the game has already calculated the number of Starpro you need to get the bonus based on the number of times you have run the mission.

What Inspired this post

Some time ago (a week or two, not sure), a change was made in the Music Promoter. As you know there's a mininum number of Starbits that needed to be burned to get 100% of the pool payout used to be one Million (I think) and that target could be easily hit at the time.

The change was that the minimum starbits needed to burn were increased (understandably so). And I'm not sure if it's a dynamic one or is static, but as shown below, it's getting harder to gain Starpro.


Now, I believe with this change, that bonus of 1K gives you far less than 0.03 Starpro (too lazy to calculate, but you can easily do that... a quick math gave me even less than 0.01, but I could be wrong, do this yourself xD), but BECAUSE it's become way harder to obtain, it's value is bound to increase.

If you're a fan of this game and see a future in it, I don't see how you would miss seeing the value in Starpro (which also has a 500K limit to it). Owning Starpro is essentially like owning part of the game (since its future is based on it) - much like Splinterlands SPS, but without the voting rights :D

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