Rising Star - My Journey Report: April, 2022



Hello Everyone


Today I will share my progress and journey in @risingstargame for April 2022 period.

As previously stated in the March 2022 monthly report here, my target for April 2022 is the total Push Rank for the whole month.

I completely ignored the daily earnings from busking as well as other stats to focus on Music Lesson which gave the most effective XP for achieving this monthly target.



- If you look at the Fans Stats above, this month there is really no progress. Even though I had bought a few cards, I speculated to resell them to open some packs. And it didn't work because luck wasn't on my side this time. And the funny thing is that my fans' starting and ending positions are no different.

- The biggest progress is in Skill where I got +13121 from previous stats. FYI, my Lesson range is 60 to 120 for each Guitar Lesson.

- Leaderboard Rank, I ignored this for a month because of the few cards I bought and in the end as shown above I sat at rank 421, down 67 positions from before at Rank 354.

- When I started push rank in early April, I was at Level 66. And when April ended, I was sitting at Level 79 and very close to Level 80 (-2330 XP). Of course this exceeded my expectations and targets at the beginning of the month which was only targeting to be at Level 75.

- I documented the last 10 days before reaching level 75 in a blog, if you are interested in doing so, you can click this 10 Days Level 70 to 75 as reference material.


- When I reached Level 75 for the first time, there was a concern about doing the Band Auditions mission which lasted 4 hours for each trial, this was due to the many 'horror' stories from the experience of @risingstargame users who always failed at every audition so it took dozens, even hundreds of hours to unlock all 4 band members. There is even 1 person on Discord who just opened the first member after 25 tries, 100 hours!!!.

- But it seems luck is on my side this time. In the first attempt to do Band Auditions, I immediately managed to get the first band member. And in the end I only had to do 7 tries to unlock them all.





- Guitar Lesson along with Radio Interview, Illegal Busking & Open Mic Night being the most missions I did in April.

- Missions with short duration are still my priority until now. Because it offers high effectiveness and probability in terms of XP and Earning.

- I started doing Promote Fans Club missions this month. While I've only done it 2 times to open the first card from this mission. In the future, I will slowly do it gradually if the situation allows because Starpro is too expensive at the moment.

- Missions with long duration I reduced for this month because XP efficiency is not very good. Local Mini Tour Support is a mission that I often do, usually before my night break.


- There is only 1 goal for this month of May, adding Fans.

- My goal is to reach 9000 fans by the end of the month.

- For secondary targets, I'll start collecting Starbits to earn Millionaire Cards.


That's it for my monthly report.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

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