Puddles of clouds

After a series of rainfall and muddy ground the sun decided to shine on us again.


Took a short walk to the park and looking above I couldn't help but admire the blue sky and the fluffy clouds that formed amongst the blue looking like a ship sailed safely to harbor.


The clouds were fluffy and mesmerizing,I could sense their softness from where I stood watching them.


The clouds looked puff like my all time favorite cotton candy though this time the color was the only distinct.


For a second I wished I could touch it but that'd mean me having to look for the ancient tower of Babel just so I could reach the sky.


I saw them dancing in the sunlight as more of them kept forming from the evaporation of water and I knew there was gonna be a little rainfall later in the day despite the radiance of the sun and the blue sky filled with puddles of clouds.

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