

It's very strange that I so seldom post the things I love the most. It's especially strange that I don't participate in what I can participate in. No, I don't go against the flow. (Although that's what I do half my life.) I just sometimes don't think my photos are good enough. Or what I'm about to say.

As time goes on, I get better.

I try to be even better, but time flies away....

I think it's time to participate in #LoveTheClouds, which @tobetada hosts every week. So this is my first time, but I'm sure it won't be my last!
Let's go!

To learn more or to participate, read this post Welcome To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! #170

It was a regular day. And all the photos were taken on the same day at different times and in three different locations. I just couldn't stop taking pictures and getting my feet over. And that's after 30 kilometers on the bike. In the evening, of course, I was falling from exhaustion.

But it was worth it!

The clouds are an endless living picture.

I am convinced of this when I look at more and more pictures of other people from different parts of the world. Some are very similar to what I've already seen. And some are truly original. But never once have I seen the same picture.

It's a living picture.

And it's endless...

My love of clouds only woke up a few years ago, so I'm still a newbie. However, I've already seen many different colors, shapes and sizes. Right this morning I was observing little balloons, the kind you usually draw in your childhood or that I saw in cartoons from my childhood. I didn't even take a picture. Sometimes it doesn't matter. (Although I wish I could show you.)

Sometimes it is important to just freeze and be in that second.

The feeling is important.

I also replaced that the clouds sometimes have the same texture in opposite corners of the Earth. The ones in my pictures I saw once in someone else's picture. I thought I wanted to see it in person. And sometimes it's enough to ask for something to come true. It worked with the clouds.

And by the way, it's probably my favorite kind of cloud right now. When the sky is covered with an incomprehensible haze that looks like the feathers of young ducklings. Or the flames of a campfire in the woods. It brings tranquility and hope.

Even when it seems to be gone.

Shortly before and during sunset, such clouds become special. The colors of this phenomenon can really be all the colors of the rainbow. I think I've seen them all before.

But every time I see something new.

Every time...

It's a sign of infinity. And it's a living organism.

I hope we realize this before it's too late.
No one knows where we come from or where we go back to.
It may be too late tomorrow.
And no one knows when tomorrow will come.

There's no time while you're looking at those clouds, is there?

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