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It Is My Entry To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! #140

Siempre se encuentran sorpresas en el cielo. A veces son nubes grandísimas y glamorosas, desbordantes en diferentes y vívidos colores. Otras veces son pequeñas nubes, de extrañas formas. Siempre es un espectáculo y será siempre fugaz, único e irrepetible.
Esta nube que traigo para la semana 140 de : Love the Clouds, es pequeña, sin colorido pero de original forma.
Es con su foto que participo en este concurso convocado semanalmente por @tobetada y que ya va por la semana 140.

There are always surprises in sky. Sometimes they are huge and glamorous clouds, overflowing with different and vivid colors. Other times they are small clouds, with strange shapes. It is always a show and it will always be fleeting, unique and unrepeatable.
This cloud that I bring for week 140 of : Love the Clouds, is small, without another color but white, but with an original shape.
It is with its photo that I participate in this contest called weekly by @tobetada and that is already in week 140.