Love the Clouds Photography Contest #84 - From above the Clouds


This photograph was taken in the sky on my way by plane from cloudy and rainy Estonia to Cyprus where I am on holiday now.
I love clouds when they are an object for taking pictures but I often hate them when they are dark and hide the sun for weeks (very often in Estonia). I hate clouds those days because I love the sun more. But they are so beautiful together - clouds and the sun - that I love them again and can do nothing about that!

I am glad that I have found this contest by @tobetada while looking through posts of @borghesegardens .

Here is the link for the contest @tobetada/welcome-to-the-love-the-clouds-contest-84-100-hive-prize-pool

I am new in the Hive community but became addicted to it very soon. I am very grateful to my friend @pandamama who made me start posting.

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