It Is My Entry To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! #170

Hola, comunidad, el cielo no deja de sorprendernos con los fugaces paisajes que nos trae con forma de nubes...

Hello, community, the sky never ceases to amaze us with the fleeting landscapes that it brings us in the form of clouds...

...o con nubes que rompen los esquemas tradicionales con sus formas...

...or with clouds that break traditional schemes with their shapes...

...en este caso fueron verdaderas pinceladas etéreas las que adornaron el cielo.
.. this case it was true ethereal brushstrokes that adorned the sky.

...y jugaron en diferentes direcciones...

...and went in different directions...

...un cielo espectacular e irrepetible...

...a spectacular and unrepeatable sky...

Si deseas participar en este concurso, lee sus bases clicando acá

If you want to participate in this contest, read its rules by clicking here

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