Big Clump of Clouds — #LoveTheClouds166

Today's weather was good, but as the afternoon wore on the wind got stronger with no sign of rain. I decided to visit Ujung Pancu, a coastal area that provides many relaxing spots to enjoy an afternoon of leisure.

The main sights on offer from this area are the landscape of the ocean, a small island located not too far from the mainland, as well as residential housing on the other side of the same land. Another thing that caught my eye was a sizable cloud that stretched from behind a hill all the way to the island I mentioned earlier. This cloud was white in color against the background of a blue sky that slowly turned orange. This condition made me appreciate the scenery that was presented before me even more.

This post will be part of my entry for the #LoveTheCloud166 contest. if you are interested to join this contest as well, please read all the rules through this link @tobetada/welcome-to-the-love-the-clouds-contest-166.

Thank you for visiting this post and I hope you enjoy both the story and the photos. Feel free to leave your comments below, and don't forget to upvote and share this post if you like them. See you in the next post everyone!

All these pictures were taken using iPhone XR
and processed through Adobe Lightroom

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