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Some Random Clouds

Helo Hivers.
I hope we all are doing great.

Since I have come to know about this community, I have been looking in the sky on and off. It reminded me of my childhood when I used to see the clouds in the sky a lot and look for the images in it. I am also taking pictures of clouds for many days but I have not ever published a post yet. Every time, I think of posting I think what to write. Today I replaced my thought with another one, why not to write, and it worked. So I am here with my first ever post in the community.

I went through my gallery and looked into the snapshots. There I found various photos of clouds that I took at different times.

Here comes the one that I took when I was pasding through the gallery and I looked towards the sky. It was filled with clouds. I went back to my room to pick my cell phone to take the snaps.

The clouds are scattered just like cotton that scatters when we played with pillows.

Here is another one in which I see a baby crawling on his chest. My elder son used to crawl this way.

In this one 👇, I see a seal talking to a fish.

The fish is similar to the red fish I am on hive 😅. It is perhaps asking the seal how to grow bigger. But no...! There are no seals in hive. There are dolphins and whales. I think the fish is asking the seal to give it the adress of some dolphin 😂.

Another snap I took that day is here 👇.

I saw a ginie coming out of lamp of Aladdin.

Here is another one in which I saw a dinosaur resting on the ground.

Taking these pics brought a lot of water to my eyes because despite the clouds the sun was piercing in my eyes.

Let me know in the comment section what do you see in these clouds.