What I actually learnt today being 15th February

Hello my lovely and beautiful friends on what I learned community how are you doing today, trust is going well.

It's another wonderful and amazing week and am so happy to be here to also share with us briefly on the things I have learnt throughout the beginning of the day.

So to say that there are really alot of things to learn but that's actually depending on our mindset on how far and fast we want to go in learning be it a new skills or an attitude or rather a lifestyle either.

There are so many things I have actually learnt in my life while I was quite younger and up till date I haven't stopped learning because one thing for sure I have always known is that everyday is school for learning new things it's either the good or the bad.

But for today I have learnt to be useful and as well showing relevancy where ever I find myself, being useful in a rightful manner or approaches towards something and not the other way round.

Being committed or rather being useful in a positive way shows you creating balance between you and your family and neighbours around too.


My manner of approaches towards people or things is dependent on how far or fast I want to scale through in life and also including the aspect of how my future is going to look like.

Creating relevance where you are are actually one of the things most people don't realize or even care about because it may stand to give a close door to whatever good that should have taken place long time ago in our lives.

The little things we take for granted are actually what is holding us backward.

Thanks for reading my post it's your friend @damsel001 do have a nice and blessed week too. Love you all plenty plenty.

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