Is ZING token losing values or becoming stronger?

In the field of blockchain-based gaming, Hive Blockchain is among the best. One of the many games on the Hive blockchain, Holozing is a brand new role-playing game that has acquired a strong position these days. It has drawn a lot of interest from the hive community because of its novel idea and 100% fair token distribution, which has helped it in going forward with immense players interacting, communicating, and compiling their in-game experiences in the emerging Holozing community.

Being at the initial stage, the ZING token is very successful in attracting the community and it is growing very fast. Though the price of the ZING is decreasing with the new involvement, the newcomers are not creating enough demand to hold the price which seems to be concerning for some community members. Today, I am going to deep dive into the facts behind the decreasing price and will give you a complete overview of the current scenario and will try to project the future token price according to my experience.

It is necessary to understand the current scenario to have some deeper knowledge of how crypto projects lose value and fade away when the hype wears off. The world of cryptocurrencies is a great place for new ideas to grow along with the great concept and a lot of hype. The main things that can lead to the losing value of the token or coin of a crypto project are not having any real-world use, giving out too many airdrops (free money), and unfair prize farming.

  • Imagine a world where money has no real value and only exists to make some people rich through speculation. This is the main issue with lots of crypto projects: they don't have any real-world uses. Their tokens are just a way to get people excited; they promise huge returns but don't do anything useful or valuable. This lack of usefulness can show up in different ways:

  • There are a lot of specialized terms and buzzwords in white papers: These papers often make it hard to understand what the project is really for, hiding the fact that it doesn't have any real-world uses.

  • Putting too much faith in hypothetical future possibilities: Projects make big claims about how they will change whole industries, but they only offer hazy ideas and made-up scenarios without giving a clear plan or starting right away.

Validation with ZING
All of these issues are not applicable to the ZING token as it does not claim any unrealistic future, all the updates and the roadmap are clear with the proper gaming model still in the development mode, moreover, there is no pre-assigned token distribution or presale that can ruin a project and make a possibility of the scamming project. So, all of these are not affecting the market. So let's check the later causes and validate it with the ZING status.

The Flood of free money can lead to lessening value and drawing in exploiters which can be an underlying reason here. The free rewards system is not completely free for ZING tokens as you need to delegate HP and hold POSH, provide liquidity and the only free token is for the ZING STAKING which is very necessary to make the members stak their token which will reduce the supply and increase the demand. Giving away free tokens to get people to use a product or service, can be both good and bad. Such airdrops can get people excited and increase liquidity at first, but too many of them can hurt a project in the long run by extracting the rewards and leaving the project.

  • When a lot of free tokens come in, the total number goes up. This could make the tokens that buyers already own less valuable. This could make buyers lose faith and sell their holdings, which would bring the price of the token even lower.

  • Getting the wrong people by bringing in greedy buyers who only want to make money quickly. People in this group don't have much reason to help the project grow in the long run, and they might even do bad things to get the free tokens.

  • Reward farming, which is when people actively participate in a crypto project to earn tokens as benefits, can be good for both the project and the people who do it. But prize farming systems that aren't well thought out can end up hurting themselves, creating a circle of abuse that hurts the project in the long run. Farmers try to get the most out of the job right away, often without thinking about how it will affect them in the long run. They might quickly sell their gained tokens, which would make prices even more unstable and changeable.

  • To get people to join, projects with big benefits often make a lot of tokens available. Because of this over-emission, more tokens are made than people actually want, which causes inflation and a drop in the value of tokens. Reward farming systems can favor people or groups that have access to a lot of resources.

Validation with ZING
At this point, it can be realized that there are some effects from this category that are liable for the dump in the price. There is a lot of supply that has no use cases right now except the staking reward. But there are some wicked people or some short-term term believers who are going to sell the free tokens they earn in different ways which are the root cause of the dumping in the price. But overall happening is not harming the project but making the project more stronger in the following ways.

  • Tokens are moving to the stronger hands.

  • Only the long-term believers are buying back the tokens which is a great start for the project in the long run.

  • The fair distribution of the token supply makes any project a more stable position.

  • Investors can be more careful in the market

My suggestion
It is very important to understand the reality of a project and Holozing's current dump is very usual as the game has not started its journey with 99% of its roadmap but it will start its booster pack sale soon which will create the stronger hype in the market for sure. So, don't follow anything blindly, realize the situation and take steps accordingly. Pay attention to projects that have a clear value offer and use in the real world. Do your homework and do a lot of study before putting money into any project. In the end, the crypto market is a living, changing place. Even though it offers a lot of chances for new ideas and making money with patience in the long run.

So, what is your plan regarding Holozing? What are your thoughts about the future aspects, let us know in the comments. If you have any questions or info about my thoughts. please let us know in the comments, it will help us in mutual growth. Thank you for your time and attention.
Have a nice day.

For further information-

Official Website -

Hive account - @holozing

Delegation account - @zingtoken

Twitter/X account -

Whitepaper -

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