Holozing Healer Traits Entry - Forest Male Healer + Zing Token HP Delegation Status

Forest Male Healer Traits

Hello, Holozing Community! In today's post, I'm submitting my contribution for the Holozing Healer Traits and would also like to share the status of my Zing Token HP delegation. For this post, my focus will be on the Forest Male Healer. I drew inspiration from the original design of the Forest Male Healer and integrated the traits I propose for this specific character. The multi-vision goggles from the game Splinter Cell (which inspired my username here on Hive 😄) served as my reference for this fan art. Here is the link of my reference.

If you would like to participate, please check their POST for more information.

For this fan art, I used Sketchbook for Android and the following outlines the step-by-step process involved in creating this fan art.

The image on left side is the original image of the Forest Male Healer. And on the right side is my outline for my line art.

After creating the outline, I began adding the flat colors. Additionally, I added highlights and I also incorporated dark highlights on the shaded areas.

I subsequently added a background, a blend of square glitches in black and green, which I believe will complement the character.

Here is the final output of my fan art.

For the proposed traits, the main focus of this fan art is the multi-vision goggles. I imagine that the healer will encounter creatures at night and will need these multi-vision goggles to be able to see them.

Zing Token HP Delegation Status

Previously, I delegated 100 HP to the @zingtoken account, and today I updated it to 200 HP. Additionally, I currently have 244.93 staked tokens and plan to further increase the HP delegation to maximize my Zing Token rewards.

That's it, and thanks for reading. I hope you like this fan art and hope to create more in the future.

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Stay safe everyone!!!

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