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Zingtober Day 11 Snack [ENG/ESP]

Hello my dear friends from Hive and the Holozing community,

Hola mis queridos amigos de Hive y la comunidad de Holozing,

We continue with Zingtober following the calendar of this Inktober. As always, an opportunity to create and share art, while staying creative throughout the month with great ideas for each day.

Continuamos con el Zingtober siguiendo el calendario de este Inktober. Como siempre, una oportunidad para crear y compartir arte, mientras nos mantenemos creativos durante todo el mes y con muy buenas ideas para cada día.

Today I share the result of October 11th, corresponding to the theme "Snack". Sadly, and for reasons beyond my control, I couldn't share the theme of the previous day with the topic "Nomadic", although I plan to take some time to create a post for the missing days.

Hoy les comparto el resultado del día 11 de octubre correspondiente a la temática "Snack". Tristemente, y por razones ajenas a mi voluntad, no pude compartir la temática correspondiente al día anterior con el tema "Nomadic", aunque planeo tomar un tiempo para crear una publicación con los días faltantes.

For this occasion, I decided to draw my protagonist Forest Healer enjoying a delicious snack, a mint lollipop shaped like a clover, while thinking about enjoying other delicious snacks. I started with a sketch, which I made several corrections to when bringing it to the line art stage. As part of the rules, I decided to use only black and white, so I had to try to imagine the colors with their corresponding shades of gray.

Para esta ocasión, decidí dibujar a mi protagonista Forest Healer disfrutando de un delicioso snack, una paleta de menta en forma de trébol, mientras piensa en seguir disfrutando de otros deliciosos snacks. Comencé con un boceto, que al llevarlo al line art le realicé varias correcciones. Decidí, como parte de las reglas, solo usar blanco y negro, así que tuve que tratar de imaginar los colores con su correspondiente tono en escalas de grises.

The process was very fun, and I was very satisfied with the final result. It took me quite a long time and many layers, but it was worth it, especially because it helped me feel more confident with the tools I work with.

El proceso fue muy divertido y estuve muy satisfecho con el resultado final. Me tomó bastante tiempo realizarlo y una gran cantidad de capas, pero valió la pena, sobre todo porque me ayudó a sentirme más confiado con las herramientas de trabajo.

Here is the final result and part of the process. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. A big hello. Feel free to leave your opinions and suggestions. As always, my best wishes for success.

Los dejo con el resultado final y parte del proceso. Espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo. Un gran saludo. No duden en dejarme sus opiniones y sugerencias. Como siempre, mis mayores deseos de éxitos.

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.
