My Design of Holozing Electric Rabbit Shirt! (Printed it on a SHIRT!) 😊

senchans hiveblog thumbnail rabbit.jpg

A wonderful day to you hive & holozing 😍 , i am @senchans presenting my shirt design of Electric Rabbit, i might be quite inactive from time to time but arts is still one of my favorite stress reliever method.

Bringing my digital design from canva into life by that i mean on a shirt, i commonly use canva when it comes to digital design because it is user-friendly interface.For now lets discuss about my design.

As you can see how user-friendly canva is even if you are a newbie to this online tool you could design a shirt of your own. Below are the screenshots of my steps in canva.


first step.JPG


2nd step.JPG


3rd step.JPG

The final design that i saved as png file

holozing rabbit.png

Now the heat press process

I printed in on our sublimation printer and right after that i prepared the heat press and wait until it reach the right amount of temperature.

heat press process.jpg

Some photos of me and my bubbly nephew CALEB! 😍


Thats all for today until then! BYE 😊

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