πŸ’™πŸ’™let's draw an ocean healer πŸ’™πŸ’™


Hello nice holonzing community I hope you are well in this beautiful day today I want to present a drawing I made I hope you like it.

step 1
First we are going to take the pencil and we are going to draw the head and the eyes then we draw the hair.

step 2
Next we will take the pencil and draw the other part of the hair. Now we are going to draw the ribbon and the snails and the eyebrows.

step 3

Then we take the pencil and draw the shirt, the panties and the mouth.

final result.

I hope friends that you liked the drawing thanks for reading my post many successes for all of you.


  • all photos are my property and were taken by me yezz max 2 plus phone.
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