Drawing Holozing Creature-Fire Wolf: Let's Compare and Contrast!

Greetings everyone here. It's another time, day, to be here to pencil sketch one of the Holozing creatures called "Fire Wolf".

The Holozing creature background contest has opened my mind, eyes, and drawing skills to improve in a better way.

My first attempt at drawing the Holozing creature, "Grass Raccoon", was a good trial. Therefore, I have revived the drawing skills that I had during my secondary school days. I applauded and gave myself "hi, 5". It was a noble one, no doubt.

This is my second time taking up my golden pencil that I haven't used for a while to render this beautiful drawing. Any time soon, I will be exploring the #art community on Hive to out-sketch my hidden potential. Gratefully, it has not gotten to the state of getting moribund. This contest is fun-filled and exciting. The beautiful thing is the incentivizing part and the beautiful future and features it is carrying.

This contest of sketching creatures has helped a lot of people draw, make money, and engage the community more. I'm happy I found this community, interesting and motivating.

Today, I decided to evaluate, compare, and contrast my *Fire Wolf" drawing with the visual guide "Fire Wolf". Let's see the one that gets doings. 🤣

Fire Wolf Character description

Fire Wolf was designed to be one of the Holozing creatures to perform its function with other creatures, which we are yet to know.

My Tools

Today, I have three drawing tools that have made my work the way it is. I have my pencil, my eraser, and my white plain paper. My drawing wasn't tedious. I made it easy and simple as an experienced or an expert. I have a reference image of "Fire Wolf", that guides me to sketch, exactly.

Sketching proper

I realized in drawing, without starting at the face or head, you will not get it right with the other parts of the body. Starting at the head will give a correct figure of the exact image referenced.

Therefore, my drawing from the head.

This is where I started adding some perspectives to the head, to at least look like something or a creature.

The ears and the back get joined.

Using my visual guide to duplicate my creature, adding strands of tree trunks to the background of the drawing.

Finally, Using a pencil to shade parts of the creature, to add beauty to my drawing.

Now, placing my drawn creature side by side with the visual guide to see my performance. Please can someone assess me?

Please, feel free to assess me. I know I have tried my best.

Thank you @acidyo for organizing this contest. More grace to visualize and envision in 2024.

Thank you!!!

I love, I care, and I forgive!

I remain @peckypeace.


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