(fanart)sea man healer with cool pose

hello friends all #holozing lovers? Good afternoon everyone, this weekend, hopefully it will be a fun holiday for us, and today I'm back to making pictures for #holozing, where this time the picture is of a handsome and cool sea man healer, with a good posing style adding a cooler impression for this sea healer.

Several photos of the sea man healing process :

I drew using a pencil on paper the first part I drew, namely the head, then the body and so on.
With just simple steps that I apply as best I can, then I color it with the dominant part in this image, namely blue, and I color everything I want according to my taste.

This is my drawing today to fill my holiday time, with good results for me, hopefully we can always vary the characters we draw in #holozing friends.

See you

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