My First Art Expression in the Holozing Community - Water Whale Sketch


It's good to come to you with my first art piece. Thank you to all who engaged and voted for yesterday's post. I appreciate!

Finished Holozing Waer Whale displayed

Compliments of the day, week, and season to all friends, followers, and members of the Holozing community. This will be my first expression of interest to be a part of the gaming community on Hive. I don't yet have Hive Power to delegate in order to earn ZING. However, I won't be left out in the buzz. I will buy some Zing tokens from my post earnings and I will stake them. As the journey continues, I will be able to delegate and earn more ZING.

Looks like I came in late because I would have joined the background design challenge. I know there will be more fun engagements and campaigns in the future that will involve artists.

Today, I decided to make my first pencil sketch of one of the characters of the Holozing sketch. I love eating fish 😋 (I'm a foodie) so my best character to start with was the WATER WHALE 🐋. I decided to make it a simple pencil sketch and see the engagement from the community. I hope to add my unique background in the future. From pencil sketching, I'll progress to digital art of my favorite characters. I think Holozing will become a home since I know there will be much to do.

Let's get into the business of the day. Below are the artistic processes I followed to design the WATER WHALE character.

An outlay of the creature image on my phone and the plain paper for drawing


  • Cardboard paper. I have a custom-size (11cm by 11cm) cut cardboard paper. I'll be using them for Holozing art contributions.
  • Pencil (HB)
  • Pen for important highlights.

Pencil Sketch of the Water Whale

To sketch the water whale, I started by lightly outlining the basic shape of the whale using simple, flowing lines, starting from the tail.

Outlining the Whale's tail

A progress in the outline of the whale

I then added details like the eye and fins, keeping them organic. I refined my sketch by adjusting proportions and adding texture to capture the essence of this majestic creature in its aquatic habitat.

An outline of the whale showing full details

I added contour lines to define the edges and contours of the creature, providing shape and structure.

***Full outline of Water Whale ***

I considered incorporating gentle curves and ripples to evoke the feeling of water around the whale.

Adding Environment and emphasizing some details

I did not forget to add the Holozing logo and the water environment logo, an environment where the creature fits in.

It's my pleasure to share my first piece to contribute to the growth of the holozing project.

Thank you for being a part of my journey of artistic expression in the holozing community. I look forward to positive criticisms on this this art piece.

I am your friend,


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