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Female healer, fanart.

Following the holozing healer concert, I decided to create my own interpretation of the female healer. I wanted to give her a more ethereal and celestial look, with a touch of elegance and grace that will make her look like an angel. I used a combination of digital painting and traditional art techniques to bring her to life.

I started by sketching out the basic pose and composition of the character. I wanted her to have a dynamic and powerful stance, as befitting an angelic being. Then, I added in the details of her wings, halo, and flowing robes, paying close attention to the lighting and shading to create a sense of depth and dimension.

Next, I worked on the color scheme, choosing soft pastel tones to convey a sense of purity and light. I used a combination of blues, pinks, and whites to create a harmonious and ethereal look for the character. I also added in some gold accents to give her a regal and divine feel.

Finally, I added in some finishing touches, such as glowing effects and sparkles to enhance the magical and otherworldly vibe of the character. I also added in some background elements to create a sense of atmosphere and context for the character.

Overall, I am really happy with how my female healer turned out.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my art journey and my process for creating the healer, I appreciate all the support and encouragement from the holozing community.

Until next time, keep creating and spreading holozing and positivity wherever you go.

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