A branded tote bag of Female light celestial healer.

First, I must acknowledge the artist of this work @lorentm for making such a unique image which has stand out and being tasted in the walls of holozing.

Happy Sunday and new week to you all, it's another wonderful Sunday to showcase holozing to the world. The world is already filled with commercial products, so it's a little bit difficult to find items that will be best for us to express ourselves. So creativity had to set in, Hence my reasons for creating a tote bag that will not only serve the purpose that every other bag does but with the branding of the female light by @lorentm healer on it Carries a profound message of ocean healing. This tote bag was inspired by the unique connection between humanity and it's just my own way of expressing the connection we humans have with the light, and healing, its value and the role they play in our lives.


I began this journey by carefully selecting the perfect materials to use. I went to the market and got the cloth and other sewing materials like thread, needle and the rest. I ensure that I get a material that is durable and one that would last for a longer period of time.

When I got home with the materials I quickly did the sewing using a manual machine, I took the measurements and then sew the different part together and it took it perfect shape, had to rush to a pressing print shop where I can get my ocean female healer printed and pressed on the tote bag, I went there the place was full of people who came to do one thing or the other I had to wait till I get to my turn and finally was able to print and press the female healer on the tote bag.

After the sewing and branding of the design on the bag it became more than just a piece of fabric stitched together, it was a beautiful bag and I gifted it to my kid sister for use in school.

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