2D clay sculpture of Woolitz | Clay art

Hi guys I am here again and you weak a new story a new character do you remember guys what I made last week yeah it was a New exciting character we all aware of named Woolio and Woolitz respectively. Yeah last time I made a 2D clay sculpture of Woolio and now I am going to try a new clay sculpture which israther small but cozy and I hope you guys would just love this now let's get start with the procedure of how I did this incredible art.


  • In first step like always I used raw clay directly harvested from the field knead it well and then make a flat sheet of clay after making thay with the help of a smooth object in my case I used a butter knife to make a smooth sheet even smoother.

  • After making a small cheat of going I used at toothpick but you can also used and needle or other shark stuff for making and outline of the whole figure after that I used a shirt blade and cut off the remaining side as well as do unwanted areas are also removed.

  • Now the help of a blade make shallow and highs areas to give it a realistic to look and then left this culture to dry in the hot and one area as well know the summer is arrived so it is quite warmer air inside as well so I placed it in a windows shell and I made it in the morning till after no need to have completely dried and was ready to paint.

  • I know it is hard for you guys to guess the difference between two images I posted above as the character has a very dull grey colour so it might not looking much distinguished.

  • I am making the house of the character first I used modest sky blue colour and for making good electric shocks we can see in his head I use perfect yellow

  • I make a white lightning outline on one side of the character to make it look in action and it was my personal design as well as one feet is lifting in this year looking cool.

  • This is the last image write before adding a few details to the character as well as out lining I was lafting it as it is that's later when I outlined the results were even more stunning.

Final look ⭐😊

A close shot

That's it guys this was all for today post I hope you guys would have liked it and you will appreciated like always don't forget to give your suggestions below see you next time.

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