Drawing A leaf 🍀 of forest healer

Hey guys. I hope you all are doing well. Today I am going to make a tree on my white shirt. Which is related to FOREST MALE HEALER. He is too innocent 😇 according to me. I was just in love with that character. So I was inspired by that.

Things to use

White Shirt

Green color

Painting 🖌️





First of all, I took my shirt and fixed it in a wooden frame. And tightened its screw. So there was no looseness in stuff.

After inserting the shirt, I picked my pointer up and started to draw a 🍀 leaf on the backside of the shirt. Before applying on the shirt I tried it on rough paper. Sl no mistake happened.

Make four sides of the 🍀. And then I draw its stem.
My leaf sketch was ready.

After making the sketch, I opened the green and parrot colors. And mix them very well with the help of a brush and water. And then I started to apply it in leaf 🍀.

It was difficult to color the shirt. Because it was blended in outside of the outline. But I do it carefully.

Same as the leaf I colored the stem. After coloring I gave it an outline with the help of a black pointer. So it was looking in Details. As we all know outline is the main part of art.

After making one leaf, I draw and paint one more on the left upper side of the first one. And color it with dark green 💚 color.

It looked simple. So to make it adorable, I make a heart-type design on it. First I drew the single line and then I doubled it. It was not looking so good but okay.

In the same process, I colored it green. There were some empty places but I filled them with water.

Here is the final look

So e more shots. For the tutorial, I HAVE UPLOADED A SHORT VIDEO. Thanks to @acidyo for giving us such an opportunity.

I hope you will love my post. I just tried my best. I will come up with some new content soon. Take care. Allah Hafiz. By by.

Here is the video

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