ZING Rewards (Irresistible APRs)

A new Hive routine for me started about 2 weeks ago after the Holozing site went live. My day usually kicks off by claiming $ZING. The rewards accumulate throughout the night and I don't want to keep them waiting so the first thing I do when coming online is to go click on the CLAIM button. The rewards then get added to my staked ZING which in turn earns more staking rewards and compound as I claim them each hour or so during the daytime.

From holding $POSH tokens on my HE wallet and HP delegation to the official ZING account, I now have over 1.2k staked $ZING. It was good watching it grow day by day. The APRs are so irresistible right now:

  • 185% for Staking ZING
  • 278% for HP Delegation
  • A whopping 2116% for LP providers (ZING:Swap.HIVE)
  • 594% for $POSH holdings

It's expected that these APRs will change and drop over time as more are injected or added into them. I have just doubled my HP delegation and I'm now getting tempted to add to the Liquidity Pool to complete the 4 ways to earn ZING. That's just me being greedy, lol!

At the time of this writing, ZING has a total circulating supply of 4.54 million, and over 86.5% of that (3.93 million) is currently staked. I would say that shows the confidence of stakeholders in the token and in the game even though it is yet to be released.

The fact that the token distribution is done this way gives everyone a fair chance of getting it basically for free especially if you have $POSH in your wallet. That alone entitles you to a share of the allotted rewards for POSH HODLers. If not, you can also delegate Hive Power to @zingtoken [NFA].

For information, here's what the daily distribution of ZING looks like:

Initially, I was thinking of unstaking some amount to keep them liquid and take advantage of any price actions but I changed my mind and will just keep it growing for a month or perhaps until the game launches. Will see. I do need to take profit too at some point but will definitely hold more.

Gaming is still in the trends and perhaps HoloZing, being on a decentralized network, will be able to attract players or gamers and supporters not only from within Hive but from off the chain too.

By the way, if you want to take your chance in naming 4 of the game starter characters, do check this post out and give it a shot. The rewards? 200 POSH tokens each (total of 800). This is one way to get some passive-earning tokens which if you decide to HODL will allow you to mine (earn) $ZING. That's a double win, yeah?

If you have $POSH in your Hive Engine wallet and have not done any claiming yet, visit HoloZing, connect your Hive account via Keychain, and start claiming your $ZING! If you wish to delegate HP to start earning, you can do so directly on your HoloZing dashboard.

Thumbnail edited via Canva. Image/s from HoloZing. No copyright infringement intended. 09112023/11:20ph

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