How a 7-year-old drew Infurnal and landed himself a job.

You know when they say catch them young? This is the story of this 7-year-old boy.


I met this young artist in church today, at first I saw him as a troublesome child as he was disturbing other kids, I scolded him instantly and he immediately went back to his seat and was staring at a book. I collected his book and the content inside blew me away. It was his sketchbook, not your regular sketchbook with fine pages and smooth surfaces it was an old book of his, he had turned one of his old school books into a sketchbook, a lovely one at that.

I flipped through and I saw different drawings of superheroes and before I could ask him if he drew them he immediately answered with all pride and dignity, Lol I knew it was his moment, so I allowed him to enjoy it.

I asked him if he could draw any other thing other than superheroes he said yes, that was when I brought out my phone and showed him a picture of Infurnal and he said he could draw it. I handed him a sheet of paper and the next minute he started drawing.


This drawing was made with a pencil, a plain sheet of paper, an eraser, and a red pen. As you can see he had to use a red pen for the fire.


This 7-year-old didn’t spend too much time coming up with this piece and used his eraser only a few times.


While drawing his pencil broke and given that this drawing was not planned we had to go buy a razor blade to sharpen his pencil.


The more the Infurnal formed the more surprised I was as he was nailing it.


This young artist enjoyed himself while drawing and was lost in his world.


In the absence of another colour this young artist had to use his pencil to shade and his red pen for the fire.


Just when he was about to round up a church member walked in and was stunned at this little’s boys talent. Little did we know that all this while this man had been looking for an artist to draw for him. He requested to see the boy’s family as the little artist would be drawing some cartoon characters for a school and would be paid for his services. Some paperwork will be drawn and this little artist will be able to execute his first job and hopefully more to come.


So let’s say drawing Infurnal sort of paved way for him to get his first real job😃


Hopefully, this marks the beginning of this little artist’s creative journey🥰

All images are mine and were posted with the permission of the little artist.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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