Holozing - my first web3 game.

Namastey 🙏🏻🇮🇳

Hello friends, how are you all?? Wishing you all happy and prosperous life ahead..

Another amazing game web3.0 launched in the hive blockchain, #Holozing yet the game is not launched yet, only #zing token is launched for the game, it is my first web3.0, so 'm super excited for this game,it is exciting to see such more n more game built on Hive block chain, playing game on hive not only for entertainment but also become source of earning, the best part of hive is we can play and transaction without any transaction fee or we can say fee-less transaction.

My first Web 3 Game_20240430_001428_0000.png

My Delegation


Holozing is the first and only game where I have done delegation, don't do too much but I have done more according to the Hive Power, Once the game will be launched in the coming time, I will Increase my delegation further. How far i have delegated 300 HP out of my 1000 HP, I know i have to increase my delegation but my first aim to complete my Year goal, which is to achieve 3k HP by the end of the year.

3k Zing Token stake


When the #zing token was Launched, the APR was fabulous at the beginning, As the delegation increases, APR also decrease, with delegation i have staked around 3k Zing Token, these tokens going to help the healers to buy food, stuff, accessories etc. The more #zing token you hold, the more Benefits you will get in the game.

My Rank on Top Contributors


I must say that I have not done fabulous in the contribution to #holozing, still trying my best to get myself on top of 200 contributor, Well now my rank is 544 which not even so bad, in the hive platform there has been around 2 lakh(my guess) active Account.

Some of Artwork


I am very thankful to Holozing team because it had been at least 15 years since I left art and drawing. There was a drawing competition in Holozing,where I participated and I was the winner,You gave me confidence that yes, I can draw again. The collage I shared above shows only a few of my arts and crafts contributed to #holozing. I have made many morw drawing and craft related to healers and creatures of #holozing. 'm not missing any updates from #holozing teams, once a week create blog on my delegation and zing staked, from the mast two month there is not any updation from the team, even i have not make any post related to holozing since last month.

I'm crazy about Holozing web3 game. This is my first web3.0 game which 'm going to play and invested a lot of my time by drawing and delegated Hive power, while the game is not launched yet.Once the game is launched, I will create a stir in this game and I would like to give my 100% in this game.I am very excited eagerly waiting for it launched, I will earn money and want to create a high position for myself in the game.

As of now game has not been yet released, game will launched next year only $ZING token has been launched which will be used in the game, For more information you can refer to link given

Offical website - https://holozing.com/

Whitepaper - https://whitepaper.holozing.com/

Holozing discord channel - https://discord.gg/pTHcGUhs4k

Twitter/ X account - https://twitter.com/holozing

Friends participate in ongoing April initiative by @leo.tasks, you don't have to think about the topic to make the post, make a content according to inleo April calendar given below....

For More details regarding initiative kindly visit the link given below 👇🏻

Initiative: April Monthly prompt

Thankyou 😃

@gargi 🙏🏻

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