Holozing " Healer Traits Contest "

" Holozing Ocean Healer "

Hello guys, I hope you are having a good day today. For today's content I just finished doing the final retouching right before the break-time bell alarmed of the artwork I started creating last night. Yeah, this is the fan-art for Healer Traits Contest of @Holozing Community. I choose the Ocean Healer as my model. If you wanted to be part of this CONTEST just click the blue texts. Below I include the process of my work.

paint 22 07.png


  • First thing, I created first the line-art.
    paint 22 00.png

  • After that I started to add the base colors for her clothing and skin.
    paint 22 01.png

  • At this part I already apply all base colors.
    paint 22 02.png

  • I started to add the shadow and highlights on her clothing first.
    paint 22 03.png

  • Then added some accessories, just like the original.
    paint 22 04.png

  • Now we need to add the black hair in small part on her hair design.
    paint 22 05.png

  • Now I added the background, and the ocean logo.
    paint 22 06.png

  • And this is the FINAL ARTWORK. 😊
    paint 22 07.png

Holozing Official Website




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