Transforming the New Female Healer into Wearable Expression

Hello everyone,
Happy Sunday to you all.

As we all know that the world of holozing is full of creative expression, every single addition of creativity holds an important role in making the community a vibrant one. The recent incorporation of the new female healer image has really sparked an inspiration in my heart to brand T-shirts with her image, since the introduction of the healer, I have been so much attracted to the forest female healer, because I really love nature and would like to be identified with nature.


How did I get here? Last week I did a tag bag and branded the holozing first female healer on it. Just last week the new female healer was introduced and was added to the holozing fanart . It was the entry of @jusldraws, and we were ask to give a comment about this new picked healers, and if I was to be voting for one I will definitely go for this, week his happens to be my favorite and I really want to thank the holozing team for picking this amazing healer as one of the new added Holo fanart.

Since Friday I was invited by a friend of mine to go on a casual outing, just with a few friends, gist and have fun. Since it was a gathering of youth and some of them are not in the hive blockchain, I thought of was to advertise hive to them, even without saying a word, yeah I needed to get them attracted abs and ask questions about the image on my t-shirt and also the one on my tote bag.
So I went to an art shop where I was able to get a t-shirt. I had to go for white so that my branding could come out boldly and beautifully.




When I got home, I had to login hive and went ahead looking for the image, went I got it, I had to make a little touch on it, so I used canva to do my design by adding my name and the zing symbol just by the corner to give it a proper finishing. I took it to the artist shop and gave him my already made design, it was printed and was pressed to my t-shirt and here is the final finishing.





The T-shirt, after the branding on it, is now adorned properly with the new female healer, becoming more than mere fabric. It carries the symbol that is inherent in the character, this is a celebration of feminine strength, potentials and the healing power that resides within. The t-shirts was an invitation to those of my friends who are yet to join hive, some of them I had talked to about hive and are still not part of. Wearing a symbol like this makes the hive more realistic, more meaningful to discuss. I'm wearing showcase the holozing community and hive ecosystem at large


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