Forest-inspired Foam Slipper and Bead Design with the Female Healer Necklace

Hello everyone,

Immersing myself in the world of DIY crafts, today I was just thinking of what creative I should do. The idea sparked when I decided to repurpose foam slippers. Sitting at the comfort of my house to create something is really amazing using the forest female necklace to make a simple design.

The foundation of this creative lay in the humble foam slipper and the inspiration of the forest female necklace, this creative really made my day. Since the forest is usually green, I went for a color of bead that will give a bead to the vibing of the forest, the choice of green and black bead resemble the color of the forest.
The forest female healer necklace served as both a interest point and a focal point for the design.

Materials used
Foam slippers

Starting with a blank pair of foam slippers,
Initiative the foam slippers was red, I had to give it a color that reflect forest I painted it Black as you can see.

I started fixing the bead into the rope, I added black and blue to make it colourful
Then I attached the beads to the foam slippers and look what I got.

them I had to carve out the necklace design on the leather carefully, when I was done I painted it with green

Finally attached the necklace design to the slippers and here I what I got finally. Hope it's cool.The forest female healer necklace found its place as a centerpiece, strategically positioned to complement the overall design on the slippers.

The next time I slip my feet into these adorned foam slippers design with the forest female healer necklace, I'll not only experience comfort but also carry a piece of the forest soothing energy wi

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