Drawing the Light Male Healer: A Glimpse into the Holozing Universe

Hello everyone,

Permit me to share with you my simple pencil drawing, yesterday I made a drawing of the ocean male healer and mistaken it to be the Light male healer Thanks to @acidyo for stopping by and making some corrections. So today I decided to do the real drawing of the light male healer.


In the realm of holozing, lies that embodies the true essence of healing that comes with lights. Light Male Healer. This is a healer that has the ability of fire and electricity.

Picking up my pencil to draw this healer is beyond mere lines and shared on paper, but it shows the idea, emotions that come with the essence of healing and enlightenment is conveyed. Each stroke of this drawing was me trying to breathe life into this character, infusing it with a sense of its purpose and vitality.

Moreover, the function of a healer within the Holozing ecosystem holds profound implications. It signifies the importance and need for compassion, empathy, and the ability to mend whatever was broken. This drawing is representative of the healing aspect not just within its visual portrayal but within the narrative it signifies, a simple but profound reminder that even in fictional realms, like the holozing contest, healing holds immense power.

Materials used for drawing listed below

๐Ÿ“Œ Drawing board
๐Ÿ“ŒA4 paper
๐Ÿ“ŒHP pencil
๐Ÿ“Œ Eraser
๐Ÿ“Œ Sharpener

Here are the step by step I took in drawing






As I made this drawing of the Light Male Healer , it invited everyone to pause, reflect, and embrace the essence of healing, show empathy, and the unwavering pursuit of enlightenment. Through this drawing, I am sharing not just a creation but a piece of my imagination, inviting others to join in the exploration of the Holozing universe.

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