I will try to my best for art ocean heler

Greetings and devotional love to all as always today also I tried to create something new in which one was Green Healer i.e. Green Forest Healer and Ocean Girl Ninja Healer. Today, I tried something new, King Healer of the Ocean. I don't know how well I did, but I tried to give my best. Basically, painting is a form of painting created with my thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I don't have any tools to do digital art but I tried my best to do coloring pencil and drawing and I am presenting them to you which is a big thing for me hope you like and can impress you Kali Let's step by step my I share the drawing with you.

Material,Paper 📜,1mm acrylic crochet thread: blue, white, dark brown, light brown, beige, gray, dark yellow, light yellow and black.

30cm ruler
2 clothespins
Tab | Kumihimo circular loom
| Pattern |
| Pencil |

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

step 5

Now is color step 1

Color step 2

Color step 3

Color step 4

Color step 5

Last and final looks with fully color

Thank for everyone and special thanks for @zingtoken .. 💕💕💕

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