Grass Racoon Fanart, Digital Art from Holozing Games characters

Hello Holozing community friends😊

Come back with me this time😁

Greetings to the @holozing and @Acidyo teams

How are you all?

May you always be healthy and given the blessings of life☺.

This time I made Grass Racoon fanart from the Holozing Games character.

Here I describe this character as a Grass Racoon who was exposed to nuclear gamma radiation so that he became big and fierce like the Hulk character.

Here we also depict a world with red skies and monster plants growing due to the large amount of nuclear radiation.

This fanart is fun how it depicts the cute holozing monster Grasa Racoon becoming a monster that isn't cute anymore😁

And I hope that all of you in the @holozing community will like my fanart artwork this time😊

Here I also post the development of my zinc tokens that I got from the competition results along with the posh tokens that I staked in my holozing account, and I hope that holozing will progress further and finish developing the game quickly😊.

Work reference:

Working tool:
HP Laptop, Clip Studio Paint and Wacom Cintiq 13Hd.

Stages of creating work:*

Sketch to Line art

Basic coloring and shading to light effects

Final Render Results

Thank you for watching my blog all this time, and stay healthy, friends.

See you😊🤗

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