Holozing / Zappity / Human Version

Hiii guys~^^
Here’s my drawing of “Zappity”. I tend to turn the Holozing creatures into beautiful girls so this time I wanted to make a change and turn zappity into a boy.

When the sketch was ready I started coloring his face and giving depth to it by shading and highlights. I used warmer tone colors because I wanted it to be similar to zappity’s skin.

Here I colored his eyes and lips.

Then went on coloring his hair and ears. For his hair I chose a color to match his skin and ears.

I tried to add some texture on his ears because I didn’t want to leave it so simple and it turned out really good. Now his ear really looks like a rabbit ^^

Zappity is also known as Electric Rabbit so I wanted to show the electricity in my drawing. First I thought of drawing it on the background but then I decided to draw it on his neck which I think it was a better idea.

In the end I worked a bit on his skin and added more hair strands to make look realistic. I also added more electric marks on his face.

Hope you liked it~ ^^

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